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Al-Kitab University develops a plan for sustainable development

In pursuit of Al-Kitab University, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection and Improvement Department in Kirkuk Governorate, after holding a series of joint meetings to develop a plan and goals for sustainable development by 2050, as well as an annual plan to preserve carbon by taking several measures, including:

1- Purchasing devices for measuring greenhouse gases for Al-Kitab University within international standards.

2- Holding seminars and workshops at the university and their formations related to sustainable development and climate change, and working to implement its recommendations in Al-Kitab university and the Governorate.

3- Increasing interest in green areas within the university and the afforestation campaign there.

4- Coordinating and cooperating with Kirkuk Governorate, government institutions, the private sector concerned, and civil society organizations in the field of sustainable development, benefiting from the expertise and capabilities available therein, and harnessing them for the benefit of Al-Kitab University and its formations.

5- Oblige the environmental research unit at the university to submit periodic reports that include environmental problems and ways to improve them scientifically and practically.

6- Requiring postgraduate students in specialized colleges to write theses and university theses on topics related to improving the environment.

7- Encouraging faculty researchers and students to write research papers in the field of environment and sustainable development to benefit from them in improving the environment at Al-Kitab University and the governorate.

8- Work to establish renewable energy in the university and use it instead of electric energy operating on fossil fuels.

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