You are currently viewing Al-Kitab University has a plan to send its affiliates according to need and specialization for fellowships and scholarships, while bearing all financial costs without discrimination between gender. Women represent a part of these fellowships, mentoring, and grants.

Al-Kitab University has a plan to send its affiliates according to need and specialization for fellowships and scholarships, while bearing all financial costs without discrimination between gender. Women represent a part of these fellowships, mentoring, and grants.

The university has a policy that prohibits discrimination between the sexes through: 1) Both sexes are accepted at the same rate and age

 2) Non-discrimination in the preparation of admission for both sexes

3) Reliance on the qualifications and competence of the person with the position regardless of gender and both sexes enjoy the same rights and privileges.

4) The university has continuous follow-up to its formations to prevent gender discrimination in any form.

5) The university relies on two laws: a) The Student Discipline Law b) The Staff Discipline Law in which gender discrimination is prohibited and gender equality is imposed and there are administrative penalties against the perpetrators of this Irregularities

6) The main protected characteristics included in Al-Kitab university’s policy are: Age, Disability, Religion or belief, Sexual orientation, Marriage and civil partnership, Refugees, Pregnancy and maternity, and Race.

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