The Continuing Education Center at Al-Kitab University, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior / Kirkuk Drug Directorate, organized a workshop titled “Awareness of the Drug Scourge and Ways to Limit Its Spread.” This workshop was based on the implementation mechanism of the National Strategy for Drug Control.
The workshop was attended by a number of university professors and students. The lecture was delivered by Engineer Shwan Najat Mohammed, Director of the Relations and Media Department at the Kirkuk Drug Directorate. In his lecture, he addressed important topics related to the dangers of drugs and ways to prevent them, as well as strategies to limit the spread of this scourge. Emphasis was also placed on the important role of the university community in confronting this phenomenon and working to raise awareness about the dangers of drugs among all segments of society.
The workshop was highly appreciated by the participants, who praised the efforts of the university and the Ministry of Interior in raising community awareness and enhancing cooperation between educational and security institutions in combating drugs.