
The PharmaShout Newspaper

The PharmaShout newspaper is the first of its kind among the Iraqi universities in both public and private sectors. It provides insights on the cutting-edge research, ideas, and technologies in various topics that contribute to the world and to the Iraqi community health.The topics are mainly covering the branches of pharmaceutical and nanotechnology, pharmacology, clinical, and social pharmacy.

This newspaper is written and designed by students at the college of pharmacy under the supervision of Al Kitab University brilliant minds of our editorial board and lecturers, where all years’ students can participate through reading then reviewing novel and recent research articles that are published in internationally recognized and high impact factor journals.

The main aim of this newspaper is to develop Al Kitab pharmacy students skills in expressing their own opinions use the scientific logic to share their own suggestions freely, so they can publish their own research work upon graduation and compete with their international peers.

The PharmaShout Newspaper Volumes 

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