The Central Library: The University Library

The University Library was established in the year 2012, the same year of the University establishment, to provide the best quality of books and references the students need in their academic life. Moreover, all the indices, editorials, and other references are accessible in an easy way. All the contents of the library are periodically updated to cope with the fast development in the world. The library includes more than 6000 books for reading and borrowing in different languages in addition to the daily newspapers and magazines. The topics include all the specializations of the departments of the university in addition to literature, history, and religion. The library also includes an E-library that has more than 2000 titles in different fields.

The Simulating Court

The University Administration works hard to provide the best techniques for teaching the students in the Department of Law by establishing the simulating court in which expert judges and lawyers present simulations of cases for the students to acquaint them with the judicial procedures and transactions during the years of study.